Join the design community in helping raise awareness and funds by walking with the AIGA Houston team at AIDSWalkHouston 2014, March 9 at Sam Houston Park downtown! It’s super easy:
1. JOIN THE TEAM. It’s free, and you don’t even have to actually walk (although it’s way more fun if you do). Click here.
2. BUY THE SHIRT. We’ve made a super cool limited edition version of our “rope” shirt designed by Laura Tait at Rigsby Hull. All proceeds go toward our team’s fundraising goal. SCROLL DOWN TO BUY.
3. RAISE SOME FUNDS FOR A GOOD CAUSE. Raise as little or as much as you can. Share with friends, family, and coworkers.
4. WALK. March 9. Downtown Houston. With a bunch of designers.
It’s that easy, and it will make you feel great!