AIGA Houston Presents: Graphic Design Referenced. Rudyard’s February 11, 2010

Graphic Design Referenced

Armin Vit and his new book Graphic Design Referenced: A visual guide to the language, applications, and history of graphic design.

Armin Vit

Authors Armin Vit and Bryony Gomez-Palacio have published and edited some of the most widely read design blogs, including Speak Up, Brand New, Quipsologies, Word It and FPO (For Print Only) and are co-founders of UnderConsideration.

Graphic Design Referenced serves as a comprehensive source of information and inspiration by documenting and chronicling the scope of contemporary graphic design, stemming from the middle of the twentieth century to today. To find out more info about the book,
click here (

Join us for a brand new approach… A participation style lecture. Also, get your book signed by Armin Vit (a limited number will be for sale the night of the event for $30)

closes at 5pm, February 10

Door prize for AIGA members!
Snacks and Drinks
Limited copies of Graphic Design Referenced will be available for purchase.

Date & Time:
February 11, 2010
6:00pm – Social
7:00pm – Participation style lecture
Book signing afterwards

2010 Waugh Drive
Houston, TX 77006

Pre-Registration Pricing:
$10 AIGA Members
$20 Non-Members
$5 AIGA Student Members
$10 Student Non-Members

Pricing at the door:
$15 AIGA Members
$30 Non-Members
$10 AIGA Student Members
$20 Student Non-Members

For more information or questions, email:
Robin Parrish
Programming Director

By John Luu
Published January 19, 2010
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