A Blog Post About Blogging

You probably already know all or most of the following names:

Design Envy, Smashing Magazine, Core77, I Love Typography, Hicksdesign, Mark Boulton, UnderConsideration, Khoi Vinh, Swiss Miss, Typographica, Dexigner, Veerle, LogoDesignLove, Grain Edit, ISO50, The Dieline, Andy Budd, Bobulate, David Airey, Jason Santa Maria, Frank Chimero, Design*Sponge.

One thing that the individuals and teams of people on this list have in common is that blogging holds a central part in their success in the design field.

This is what some of our bloggers at the AIGA Houston Blog have to say about blogging:

John Luu:

The three years I’ve spent as a contributor for the AIGA Houston blog has really expanded my expertise and point of view of the local Houston design community, issues facing design professionals today, and design & communications in general. In addition, blogging has refined my writing and research skills immeasurably, as well as connected me with some of the top design talent in the nation.

From a career standpoint, blogging provides me with clarity on a wide range of design and communication topics that has enabled me to be an effective consultant in the realm of branding, social media, and corporate communications. Usually when my peers are reacting to being blindsided by new technology or trends, I’ve already been pondering on the topic for a while and can offer articulate and considered strategic advice. In that regard, I’ve found blogging to be a cornerstone of my personal brand strategy and would highly recommend it to people who need a creative outlet for their passions or want to share a unique point of view to a very receptive and supportive audience.

Daren Guillory:

For me, the AIGA blog is a really good way to contribute to the design community. It is another creative outlet, in a sense, because I get to write about things I’m passionate about and at the same time, share knowledge that someone could possibly benefit from. That is why I do it – if writing benefits the local design community at large, then I’m for it.

Nurit Avni:

When I graduated from school I had a strong portfolio and strong skills, but the economy was horrible and I also moved to a new city. It took me two years to find a “real” full time job in the profession. During that time, that I was working on and off in design while also working at Michaels, the blog was a great way for me to stay involved in the design field. I continued to think about design and be a part of the design community. I also know that blogging helped me find a job eventually.

Jessica Rios-Almanza:

When I found design and the design community, I felt home. Like finally, I belonged some where where there was a lot of light and good energy flourishing; a place where it was safe for me to be myself and where everything that made me outcast everywhere else, was everything that belonged when it came to embracing myself as a pro creative. Writing for the blog allows me to feel like I am not just part of this community but that I am contributing as well-by sharing my perspective, inviting a critical dialogue and encouraging others to look here and there. Being an active blogger means that I am being an effective team mate and that makes me feel like I am part of this family- connected to thousands of others who care about things lining up, the texture of paper and communicating with pictures. My overall feeling of dedication to AIGA just feels right and writing for the blog over the last 2 years has not only allowed me to stay connected from afar but allows me to have a voice amongst my people. All of these things are very important to me.

No matter how well your career is going, it’s always easy to become complacent and use the same pathways over and over again. Blogging can be a tool for personal and professional development and a catalyst for developing ideas that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

If any of this inspires you to blog or if you already are blogging and you would like to reach the supportive, positive audience that is AIGA Houston, you are welcome to contact the Editor in Chief of this blog at nurit@houston.aiga.org and get started.

By Nurit Shell
Published February 5, 2012