AIGA Studio Tours: Know Before You Go!

What is a Studio Tour?

AIGA Houston, in partnership with many design studios, firms, and agencies across Houston, hosts events catered to the creative in you! The Studio tours provide opportunities to gain an intimate view of what it’s like to work at design agencies. When attending a tour, not only do you gain a visual perspective of the studio, but you also leave with invaluable insights. These tours are open to students and professionals alike. Here are the benefits offered:

Attendees pose for a photo at one of our studio tours


During the tours, you have the opportunity to network with like-minded creatives as well as engage with company employees. How often do you get a chance to chat casually with senior designers? These exclusive studio tours set the stage for meaningful connections, and who knows—you might meet a future employer! AIGA Houston members are also available to provide information about joining the professional association for design.


As creatives, the learning never stops! Experience first-hand what it’s like to work at a design studio. Gain an understanding of the functionality, operations, and work culture as the studio staff and creatives share their company’s mission, vision, and goals and touch on creative processes. Discover how different roles contribute to project development while exploring various aspects of the industry. 

A designer presents some of the work done by their studio at one of our studio tours

Guided Tours

Have you been curious about your ideal work environment? A guided tour through the studio provides ample opportunity to ask questions. Many studios feature layouts designed to foster a positive and productive atmosphere. Attend one of our many tours to see if you prefer an open, collaborative space or a private office. Become inspired by the structure, designs, and creativity behind the arrangement of the buildings.

Personal Perspectives

While attending these tours, you have the opportunity to hear about the experiences and journeys of designers. By listening to their stories, you may find motivation in learning how your journey resonates with theirs.

Attendees listen to a studio's presentation

Whether you want to expand your knowledge, pivot a career, explore options for your next job, or connect with the creative community, AIGA Houston’s studio tours offer the perfect opportunity. Be sure to visit our website often for updates on upcoming events.

Words and graphics by Adrina Vines

By Sabrina Smith
Published September 12, 2024