Name: Rachel Outlaw
School: University of Houston
Year: Class of 2010
What made you want to study design?
My desire to create began when I was growing up; I would paint, draw, and make objects with my dad in his studio. The encouragement to pursue design came naturally when I combined my habitual attention to detail with the joy I received from creating pieces of art and sharing them with others.
When you aren’t at school, what are you doing?
Playing with my two labs, Jake and Scout, listening to music, looking at other graphic designers, researching 1950s Scandinavian home goods, exploring old Houston neighborhoods, planning future art projects, and doing homework.
How long have you been an AIGA Houston member & what do you get out of being an AIGA member?
I have been a member of AIGA since August of 2008; the opportunities the organization gives me have been invaluable as a student. They do so much to bring in intriguing lectures as well as provide support to the student members. After attending the Make|Think Conference in Memphis, I have been even more encouraged and inspired to continue my membership.
What’s your favorite typeface?
That’s tough. Lately, I’ve been obsessing over Avenir and Meta. Both are beautifully crafted typefaces that continue to surprise me with their versatility!
How would you sum yourself up as a designer in 5 words?
Detailed, whimsical, passionate, determined, and articulate.
What would be your dream job or accomplishment if you could do or be anything?
I’d love to be able to combine my love for writing with my passion for design. I think the visual communication that design enables paired with the power of words makes for a compelling team. Ideally, some sort of career in copywriting is interesting to me, but as long as I am still able to continue to make beautiful things, I will be happy.
Where can we find you?
racheloutlaw.com (coming soon)