I’d passed by a trillion times on the bus. Again, my attention was wooed by a fabulous name. Texas Art Asylum: a store that provides a plethora of things to make with. I was expecting a ‘Mad Potter’ meets ‘Michael’s’ but I was surprised by it’s resemblance to a trift store. I cruised the isles to discover a collection of recycled bits and pieces to design with. A great resource for students, Texas Art Asylum has organized everything from colorful game pieces and cigar boxes to plastic crystal thing-a-ma-jigs and old school toy parts that will send you down memory lane. Vintage store display tiles, recycled skeleton keys and salvaged typewriter parts are just a few of the items available for purchase. With the holiday season officially upon us, this is a great spot for those who enjoy designing their own gifts! Overwhelmed with ideas or in need of inspiration? Let Texas Art Asylum direct you with one of their classes and/or check out their very cool blog titled, “The Legs Fall Off If You Move It“.
Stuff-a-plenty and things of many, Texas Art Asylum is sure to be saving a treasure just for you. I left with an overhead projector, a pirates box, ceramic floor samples and 3 very good looking dinner plates. Tons of ‘creative stuff for reuse’!
1230 Houston Ave.