This Thursday night Houston native, Brian Gossett, will be stopping by his hometown to give a presentation to AIGA Houston and UHGAP at St. Arnold Brewery about the evolution of his career as a creative as well as his hairline. Space is filling up rapidly so we encourage those who have not yet registered to do so now here.
Since moving to Los Angeles Brian has been involved in a wide variety of projects both large and small. In terms of large projects they range from art directing Apple iPod television spots, to Black Eyed Peas music videos to rebranding various cable networks. For small projects Brian likes to channel his creative passions for causes and interests he cares deeply about, whether it is posters encouraging people to walk more, participating in an online collaborative animation/film project or creating a series of mixtapes.
Personally I’m looking forward to this event, and feel that his work and experience will inspire designers and creatives at all stages of their career. (Full Disclosure: I was a college classmate of Brian’s [UH Graphic Communications Block 2001] and have had the privilege of watching his career grow and then catch fire over the years since leaving UH.)
Below are some samples of his work. You can view more on his website.

RBC Anthem

Nickelodeon Network Rebrand Pitch

Alice In Wonderland Editorial Illustration for Print Magazine

ESPN U Rebrand

ESPN U Rebrand

Free Energy Album Art

Honda Civic Tour Pitch

Drive Less Walk More Poster