December Professional Spotlight: Heston Miles

Heston Miles Photograph

Heston D. Miles
Idea Integration
Art Director / Creative Team Lead

How long have you been an AIGA member and what do you get out of being a member?
I have been a member since 2007 (Kansas City AIGA, Hampton Roads AIGA).  I think the most important thing that I get out of being a member is the opportunity to network with other artists in the area and get differing perspectives on the creative industry.

What is your take on the creative industry in Houston? How do you think we can make it different?
I haven’t lived here that long, so I don’t really know – my initial impression is that it seems like the ad agencies are largely geared toward the predominant industries in the area (oil and energy).  As far as how to make it different, I’d probably need to learn a bit more about the Houston-area creative industry before making suggestions.

What inspired you to become a designer?
One particular inspirational event doesn’t come to mind – I’ve always just sort of been into drawing and designing for as far back as I can remember.

What other creative/art events do you attend?
I honestly haven’t really attended much since I’ve been in Houston.

When you aren’t working, what are you doing?
A few things right now – I’m always trying to come up with new ways to entertain my 5-year old son, I play and collect guitars, I’m working on an iPhone app with my brother, and I have a blank skateboard deck that I’ve been meaning to paint for a few months.  I also read quite a bit and am a huge fan of historical documentaries and vintage cartoons.

What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a design professional?
I don’t know that I have one in particular – industry awards are always nice, but I think anytime you can create something where the process was a struggle, but then it ends up looking amazing – those are always proud moments.  (It’s nice when clients appreciate that as well).

Who are your design heroes or mentors?
Jayse Hansen (Las Vegas) and the Interactive Team at Bernstein-Rein (Kansas City).  Working with people like Jayse and at places like Bernstein-Rein really were career defining for me – those experiences not only helped me to define my own design style, but also taught me new approaches to the creative process.

Where can we find you?
My work: Twitter: @hmiles442

About Heston Miles:
Heston Miles is an Interactive Art Director, Developer and Creative Team Lead who recently moved to the Houston Area, where he currently works for Idea Integration.  He has more than 10 years of experience in the advertising industry, and has worked in Kansas City, Las Vegas, Boca Raton and Virginia Beach.

Heston is a graduate of Louisiana State University, with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering. His client list includes McDonald’s, Microsoft, USAA, Time Warner Cable, HP, Shell, Harrah’s, Eli Lilly, Bank of America, and Hard Rock International. He has won awards for creative direction, art direction, design and development, including: FWA Site of the Day, Webby Award, Local/Regional/National Addys, and Adobe Site of the Day.

By Randy Nicholson
Published December 28, 2010
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