Name: Marisa Avelar
Place of Employment: Live Nation
Job Title: Graphic Designer
How long have you been an AIGA Houston member & what do you get out of being an AIGA member?
This is going on my 3rd year and I think what I get the most out of it is having a community and finding inspiration. Its good to know this nerdy problem I have being a “typophile” or loving design has a place to go. I also like knowing that there are others struggling, working hard and loving what they do. We are all finding a way to make it all work and be successful and its good to have others you can relate to about that.
When you aren’t designing, what are you doing?
I’m a big film buff so I am always seeing movies, going to antique shops and rummaging bins, going to see art and making art and spending quality time with friends and family.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years with our passion to design outside of the boundaries of the computer [ie your passion for crafts?]
Hmmm, I think I see myself in the same place but this time exhibiting more fine art. I love painting and making my mixed media pieces. I am hoping to push myself to make more time for it.
What’s your favorite work of art from your collection?
Work of art I would say a piece I did recently that was a collage of old bottles, coral, starfish, a pocket watch and other objects. Graphic Design is my website. To this day I still get people talking to me about it and it really reflects me.
What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a designer?
Being asked to talk about my work at Pecha Kucha. It was really fun and I loved being featured along some great people and artists.
What’s your favorite typeface?
I have many, but the classic one I love is Futura!
Where can we find you?
website: http://madesign.atomkinder.net