Name: Joanna Bonner
Place of Employment: Lawndale Art Center
Job Title: Graphic Designer
How long have you been an AIGA Houston member & what do you get out of being an AIGA member?
I’ve been a member of AIGA Houston since the fall of 2008. The biggest benefit I gain from being a member is the networking tools. All the socials and the lectures force me to go outside of my comfort zone and meet people I do not know.
What made you want to be a designer?
When I was little, I would design Christmas cards and birthday cards for my friends and family. I made posters for my mom and her scout troop. I didn’t know I was designing then. When applying to colleges, I discovered the University of Houston’s Graphic Communications program, and it sounded like what I was already trying to do.
When you aren’t designing, what are you doing?
I’m either finding ways to laugh or being creative through any small projects I can think of. I’m currently trying to explore the wonderful world of sewing and fabrics.
Who are your design heroes or what designers are you following right now?
I’m inspired by designers that draw objects or type by hand, such as Edward Fella or Kate Bingaman-Burt. I’m sure there’s more amazing artists out there!
What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a designer?
I recently created “packaging with second purpose” for a s’mores kit. The container turned into the skewers, a clean surface on which to prepare the food, and some of the firewood. Of course, this was a school project, so you won’t find it in any store I know of!
What’s your favorite typeface?
I really like Futura. Something about the way it sits on the page enchants me.
Where can we find you?
website coming soon!