Sandra Craft
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Graphic Designer
What do you get out of being an AIGA volunteer and member?
I like people and enjoy interacting with others. I feel like a child in a candy store when I attend the AIGA functions, I want to know what others do on their jobs, I want to hear what they are talking about…
What inspired you to become a designer?
What really inspired me as a designer, was as a teenager, I received Seventeen Magazines, that had a section in the back for ads offering free brochures from consulates about their countries. My travel was only as far as Louisiana, so the brochures became my world for imagination, color and people. The no obligation tag became my friend, and under my mattress I stored the brochures that introduced me to textures, colors, shapes, repetition and unity that became catalyst for my interest in design.
When you aren’t working, what are you doing?
I still love looking through magazines, so I spent time a lot of time looking for ideas for work as well as ideas for the home. I love looking for color combinations.
What is your favorite graphic design book?
Make it Bigger by Paula Scher is one of my favorites, I have too many.
What advice would you give to an aspiring designer?
Do what you love, stick to your convictions.
What your favorite place to escape to that inspires you?
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
What is one place in Houston that when you’re there, you don’t feel like you’re in Houston?
Houston is so diverse in everything, I can not give you an answer.
Where can we find you?
On Sunday mornings, I attend church, and visit parents and family on weekends. I spend time at home painting walls, I change up a lot, and time with friends talking about plants, textures and colors.
About Sandra Craft:
I am the second of five daughters and one son. As a child, I loved paper dolls and sewing clothes for my Barbie dolls. I always drew pictures, but did not know about graphic design until I was in my thirties. While working in customer service in an art department in the Medical Center, I realized that I wanted to pursue a career in art. After a series of events, I landed a job as a graphic artist.
While working, I realized that I needed more to be competitive. I attended Art Institute and graduated December 2009. I am happy.