Why Design Loop?
Design Loop is AIGA Houston’s opportunity to bring young designers into the fold of AIGA Houston’s design community via individual and group participation.
AIGA Houston will pair 10 mentors and 10 mentees after they meet at the first of a series of 4 design-related events. The mentors and mentees are asked to meet at least 1 additional time per month but beyond those meetings, the participants are open to determine the scope of their meetings.
The 4 events will cover such topics as how to get inspired, effective communication, and selling an idea.
What sort of experience do recent graduates bring to their positions? Is it just their schooling? Is it an internship? Is it being involved in a professional organization? In any field, there is so much you don’t learn in school, mentorship is just one more way to give newcomers all the information and tools they need to be effective graphic communicators.
Past AIGA Houston president and current AIGA national board member Robin Tooms understands the potential for Design Loop participants:
For Students/Recent Grads:
“When is the perfect time to get a mentor? Now. Whether you are about to graduate, or recently graduated, working with a mentor can help guide you in your next steps, or open some doors if needed. I promise you that there are many professionals willing to help smart, talented designers in their careers. You don’t have to go at this alone. So, be smart, take the initiative and start a relationship with a mentor.”
For Professionals:
“Do you remember the uncertainty you faced as you were graduating and moving into the world of professional design? Well, It’s still the same for students today – they don’t know anyone, and navigating the profession can be tough. This is where you can help get a student started on the right path. A mentorship will only take a few hours out of your month, but can mean so much to the career of a young designer. It’s very rewarding for yourself, and helps the design community as a whole.”

Edmee Micheli and Robin Tooms at the 2007 AIGA Leadership Retreat in Miami, Florida.