Racism Untaught Virtual Workshop

How can design assist in identifying racialized designs and critically assess anti-racist concepts?

As part of our continuing efforts to promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), we’re excited to host a Racism Untaught virtual workshop on Saturday, January 22, 2022 from 10 am–3 pm. Developed and facilitated by Lisa Mercer and Terresa Moses, this workshop will provide you with a toolkit on how to identify racialized design and critically assess anti-racist design approaches.

  • Learn how to utilize design research methods and processes to solve systemic problems.
  • Learn how to identify systems, artifacts, and experiences that perpetuate elements of racism.
  • Tackle and dissect difficult discussions and experiences in a safe space with others.

This is a great workshop that provides a one of a kind experience unique to those in attendance. Don’t miss this opportunity as we develop new perspectives and skills to design for a more inclusive future in this interactive workshop.

Ticket Prices:

Non-member: $75

Member: $60

Students: $40 (please register with an .edu email address)


Saturday, January 22, 2022

10:00 am to 3:00 pm CST


A link will be sent out to attendees closer to the event date


Refunds for this event can be requested until Monday, January 15, 2022.

When & Where
Sat, Jan 22, 2022 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM CST