If you haven’t discovered them yet, you are sure to be missing out on the good stuff. Spacetaker is so very. After hearing the name tossed around within the community, I finally found time to look them up and learn what they were all about. Within the first week of discovering this team, I was creatively revived and it felt so good to know that these guys are in our city doin’ what they do. I was inspired to start painting again after attending a Spacetaker workshop and when I discovered a job posting for the Houston Press on their site, I allowed myself to revisit writing as a creative outlet.

Leaving design school and going out to swim in the big ‘real world’ sea has been a trip and a half so far. It feels like I could do anything if I could just go through this ‘decompressing-from-design-school’ process and feel out where my creativity will best fit in. Spacetaker makes our very active Houston art scene warm and approachable. They offer a well-organized website to inform us on the happenings and design workshops to suit the needs of the community. Spacetaker also offers artist profiles on their site so that we can learn from and network with each other in an online space unique to our city.

These guys offer a sweet gallery space at Winter Street Studios and allow exhibiting artists to utilize the space creatively so as to feature artwork in a unique and integrative fashion. HATER MAGAZINE created an environment by allowing their work to invade the wall space. These creatives designed their exhibit to visually communicate their message of freedom, creativity, hip hop and love for al things that keep it real. HATER MAGAZINE pushes the boundaries and the gallery allowed them to express who and what they were about by allowing them to transform the space into an environment so as to welcome new readers and share love with their faithful following. Check out this video to observe how HATER MAGAZINE designed, utilized and took up the exhibition space!

So big ups to Jenni and K.C over at Spacetaker for all that you guys do for the creative community! Keep up with Spacetaker on Facebook and show them some love for being an important resource for Houston’s creative peeps! Don’t forget to check out HATER MAG on Facebook if you want to keep up with the goodness 🙂

By Jessica Rios-Almanza
Published October 11, 2010
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