Name: Yanet V Rodriguez
School: Art Institute of Houston
Graduation Date: June 2009
What made you want to study design?
I always liked to draw and put my ideas on paper, even after I studied business I felt that there was more out there and graphic design meet that criteria.
When you aren’t at school, what are you doing?
Since I am a graduate right now I am looking for employment related to my field of study, like to brainstorm for future children book illustration ideas that I’m currently working on with my sister-n-law who is the author, and watch online Asian dramas and Anime that I like to comment and blog about with other that share my interests.
How long have you been an AIGA Houston member & what do you get out of being an AIGA member?
I have been a member since 06-30-2009 and I get to meet other professional people in the same field and share backgrounds and information of what is really waiting out there for us.
[Yanet is our newest addition to our boards ever growing committee members. She will be fulfilling the role as Volunteer Coordinator and will be working with volunteers on placing them on open committee positions and helping out at events. She will be the direct line of communication between volunteers and AIGA Houston board. We are excited with her addition to our membership committee. -April]
What’s your favorite typeface?
I like Century Schoolbook typeface because I find it easier to identify the letters even if they are small font sizes and if I need it in italics it is available. The counter-form of the letters also help in distinguishing an ‘a’ from ‘q’.
What’s you motto that you design by?
If at first you don’t succeed try, try, try again.
What would be your dream job or accomplishment if you could do or be anything?
My dream job would be to illustrate children book that will be enjoyed by everyone.
What is the one piece of work that you pride yourself on?
A Magdala of the Virgen de Guadalupe
Where can we find you?