February Volunteer Spotlight & New Member: Theresa Quintanilla
Theresa Quintanilla

Name: Theresa Quintanilla
Place of Employment: Steady Stream Publications, Inc.
Job Title: Owner, DIY Publisher

How long have you been an AIGA Houston member & what do you get out of being an AIGA member?
Brand new
[Theresa is our newest member added to our communications committee. She will be posting reviews/pictures of our all of our events. We are excited to have her as our newest edition. -April]

When you aren’t designing, what are you doing?
Helping enterprises connect with their audiences

Who are your design heros or what designers are you following right now?
Hugh MacLeod (Gapingvoid), Austin Govella. I follow design on Notcot.com and futureblog.designhotels.com. I prefer having a curator!

What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a designer?
Yikes! I’ve been working on www.QViewsOnline.com for a long time. I guess it’s as good as I can make it now. Yeah, sad, I know. Clearly don’t plan on making a living as a designer.

What’s your favorite typeface?

What type of music do you listen to while designing?
Ambient electronic (i.e., Brian Eno)

Where can we find you?
QViews almost everywhere: Twitter, Facebook, Flicker,
sometimes I’m TheresaQ or QTalks, when I couldn’t get QViews.

By April Guzik
Published February 15, 2010