Feed the creative monster

Whenever I’m feeling down, or blue, or uninspired or uncreative, I go here: the daily monster. Not sure if it’s the unrestrained creativity or that addictive scribbling sound, but after watching a few of these, I’m ready to get back to work.

Debbie Millman, our guest host at the upcoming AIGA Houston Design Legends Gala has a great interview with Stefan Bucher from her Design Matters show. Also worth a listen. I happened to listen to this particular episode at the gym and found myself smiling all the way through. At one point, Stefan was describing how he had done so horribly at an agency. He had been working on an ad concept and didn’t know when to stop. I remember the story was told somewhat as “we hire you for your opinion, but how can you have 60 opinions on one ad?” (this was after he had produced 60 comps). His obsessive behavior works well for him with his daily monsters, though. I might just have to watch a few more…

By Robin Tooms
Published September 5, 2008