The environment created for the Final Four Concert Series was much more fun to observe than the game that brought Sublime with Rome and Kings of Leon into town. I enjoyed the over all effect that the graphic design had on the concert experience. Above the entire crowd, we got the message to, “Re-think possible“, AT&T’s slogan and still message to the audience. A sustainable way of thinking is an enjoyable approach that many companies are opting to present in their campaigns amidst the era of end-of-the-world theories. Feel free to sound off on more that you all have noted.
Two large panels framed the front of the stage while the sides of the stage were adorned with similar panels and messages that mocked hand-writing that read, “let’s hear it” and “have fun”. The vibe that was live at the Final Four concerts was a festive and personal welcome to let loose, think positive and have a good time. The big screen was adorned with a scrolling live feed that featured messages sent from the attendees via a number you could text during the concert. “Will you marry me?” “I love you so and so” and “So and so rocks” were just a few of the messages that showed on the big screen and encouraged an even more interactive concert experience.
The panels at the stage featured photographs of young peeps in awe. This worked like a mirror effect in that the audience was made to reflect the large images of star-struck fans with a team spirit. These photographic images combined with vector basketballs never let us forget that we were gathered to welcome the NCAA Championship, we were in celebration with a series of free concerts and that we were celebrating as hosts to our awesome city. That was us we were looking at surrounding images of the crowd on the big screen. AT&T ads alongside shots of the crowd on the screen made for live and interactive panels of design while functioning as a big screen for those who couldn’t see the stage from afar. Mirror images that made sure we all had a great time together. That is possible. The only thing to re-think was how on earth the celebration was better than the game.
The concert series turned out to be a smashing success and you have to hand it to those in charge of transforming our city streets into a concert venue…and AT&T’s design team. They delivered a celebratory vibration through visual harmony. The design was heavy on the bottom and airy at the top so that the crowd felt part of what was featured on stage; we were included in the space like crazy. This composition also imitated the feeling of being on the court versus being mere spectators. These design decisions made those concerts and I’m not just saying that as a die-hard design junkie, the proof was in the crowd. Teens making out every where between smiles and laughter. Everybody singing their favorite songs in unison. We were part of something bigger, we were unified with our environment. Environmental design envelopes humans and makes them feel. Thank you, Final Four concert series space designers, for reminding us how very possible that is!