Don’t Miss Out – AIGA Houston’s #flashsocial

So we’re trying something completely new here, Houston!

Introducing AIGA Houston Flash Socials. {look for the Twitter hashtag #flashsocial}

We’re restructuring our programming to engage, collaborate, and leave you feeling like you just attended an unmissable event. Here’s the premise:

Each month, we’ll start promoting the a meet-up only 3 days in advance. We’ll meet up at a designated location (this month, it’s Community Bar – 2703 Smith St) to hang out, mingle, and discuss a topic. We’ll have a new topic each time, and you won’t know it until you arrive. Think of it as the continuation of the Future of YOUston event.

This is one of many steps we’re taking to engage and involve the design community, so YOU can help shape the direction and value of AIGA Houston. This will include every level of our membership – from students to industry vets. And while we’re shaping our chapter, why not shape our community beyond just our members? This is an opportunity to discuss how we as a design community can shape the future of design in Houston.

A dedicated board member (or more) will be there each month. Look for the AIGA Houston cardboard cutout that has been circulating at events.

*Remember – we will only promote 3 days in advance via Facebook and Twitter, so be sure to follow us online. All updates will be tweeted via hashtag #flashsocial, use it as much as possible and tweet your heart out so that others that are not attending can see what we’re discussing and how valuable collaboration is to our chapter.

See everyone there, and don’t be afraid to try something new!

Your Prez, April Guzik {I’ll be there!}

Ask Questions. Get Involved. Be in the Know.

By April Guzik
Published July 13, 2010