Our AIGA Houston community is home to creatives of action! As Election Day comes closer, we’re sharing voting resources and student work driven by AIGA’s civic engagement initiative, Design for Democracy.
Design for Democracy was started in 1998 to encourage designers to use their design skills to promote actionable change in their cities, counties, states and countries. Last year, AIGA partnered with Nonprofit VOTE and the League of Women Voters for the 2022 Get Out the Vote (GOTV) campaign. This campaign motivates Americans to vote by spreading awareness through a gallery of original, nonpartisan and apolitical posters created by AIGA members.
2022 GOTV Student Work
Last year, students from University of Houston (UH) and Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) participated in the GOTV campaign. UH Students further explored the role of graphic design in social activism by designing an AIGA GOTV poster and a related identity system for the Fall 2022 elections. The project was part of Assistant Professor (and AIGA Houston’s very own DEI Coordinator) Joshua Unikel’s Senior Graphic Design Major I course. This gallery of AIGA Houston student work showcases the broad creative style and perspective of Houston’s emerging designers.
Full gallery on Facebook coming soon.
Project by Vanessa Rosacina
Project by Courtney Williams
Project by Jakob Hoffmann
Project by Sydney Higgins
Project by Linda Ly
Posters by (left) Zohina Karim and (right) Wayne Page
Vote in Harris County
As you head to the polls this election season, our Communications Director Sabrina Smith has gathered helpful resources to make registering and finding your polling station to vote as simple as possible.
This Uniform Election Day is Saturday, May 6, 2023 but early voting begins April 24. Take advantage of the early voting period before it ends on Tuesday, May 2. This election includes local political subdivisions holding regular general elections for members of their governing bodies or special elections to fill vacancies.
As the date draws closer, it is important that all citizens are able to exercise their right to vote. Every county and state’s voter laws differ slightly so here are tips on understanding your voting rights and how to navigate voting in Texas in the next few months.
In-Person Voting
Monday, April 24–Tuesday, May 2: Early voting period for in-person polling.