Illustrate Your Own Camera

Cameras have become an essential item for our summer travels. They help us capture the moment with friends and family and share our adventures with the world. Every image is a work of art. But what about the cameras themselves? Well, they are too! Here are some great Photoshop and Illustrator tutorials on how to create your very own camera.


1.How to Create a Photo Realistic Camera

2.Create a Sketchy Hand-Drawn Camera Illustration in Illustrator

3.Create a Diana Mini LOMO Camera Icon in Photoshop

4.Create a Digital Camera With Wooden Accents Using Photoshop

5.Learn To Create A Camera Lens In Photoshop

6.How To Create A Vintage Camera in Photoshop

7.How To Draw a Vintage Polaroid Camera Icon

By Monica Garcia
Published July 12, 2011
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