Introduction to Screen Printing with Carlos Hernandez – 20% member discount

We’re working hard to bring our members great local benefits in the coming year and I have one to wet your whistle with. The amazing local screen printing genius Carlos Hernandez has graciously opened up his studio to our members for a 2 on 1 introductory screen printing class at a 20% discount!

When: On-going sessions
Where: Burning Bones Press, 1518 Yale #1 (in the Heights)

A short descriptive of what to expect from the man himself:

Tap into your creative side and learn the art of screen printing! Posters, art prints, custom cards, and more. All can be created using this hipper-than-now printmaking technique. Get off your computer and come get your hands dirty with Burning Bones Press and instructor Carlos Hernandez!

Burning Bones Press offers an Introduction to Screen Printing for beginners. Learn all the basics of screen printing flatstock (paper) in this 4-hour course. All students will walk away with an 11″×17″ two-color art print. Sessions are available Tuesday-Saturday with some evening sessions.

Cost is $150, and class sizes are small (2 people per class). AIGA members receive 20% off any session.

Visit to learn more about the course and to sign up for a session.

Have other local benefits that we should go after for member discounts?
Email April Guzik with your ideas.

By April Guzik
Published October 6, 2011
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