Mr. Softee
Self-proclaimed Mountain Dew addict, Sean Starwars is a woodcut artist extraordinaire. As an Outlaw Printmaker, his nontraditional approach to printmaking makes his work infamous. Starwars combines pop culture and social commentary with electric colors and intricate prints for a trailblazing result.

The Heist
His woodcuts satirizes humorous aspects of daily, and not-so-daily life. Depictions of Klan members brushing their teeth, Frankenberry, whiskey drinking pigs, ice cream cones robbing banks, hot dog wieners having sex, alligators driving steamrollers, clowns, et al.

Frankenberry Vs The Klan
The list of insane narrative portraits continues into oblivion. Starwars’ probably makes more prints every year than anyone else in the known world, due to a recent pledge to create one woodcut a week.

Bath Time

Shit Village
This print-a-week project also means Starwars could be live demonstrating his printmaking prowess at It Came From The Bayou! this upcoming Saturday, June 30. The event, hosted by Burning Bones Press for PrintHouston2012, is a picnic and print showcase beginning at 6pm in Continental Club’s backyard.

Pigs and Whiskey