Name: Michael Castro
Place of Employment:
Job Title: Art Director
How long have you been an AIGA Houston member & what do you get out of being an AIGA member?
Member Since 2001
AIGA provides me with a reservoir of various design resources:
- opportunities to meet other creatives
- functions to broaden my knowledge of the design industry
- platforms for understanding business theory
- inspiration for expanding skills and growing in my career
- a link to the past, present and future direction of design
…to generally name a few.
What made you want to be a designer?
My desire for a creative career.
When you aren’t designing, what are you doing?
Lately, I’ve been studying language, grammar, biblical text and getting a deeper appreciation for words. To compliment this, I’ve been playing the iPhone version of Scrabble called Words With Friends. Challenge me. My user-name is: Lifecereal.
Who are your design heroes or what designers are you following right now?
God is my ultimate design hero. It’s always fascinating when I get to see a designer pattern their work after creation, intentionally or not. Looking at work this way motivates me to explore both the world and the principles behind work I admire.
I ran across this animation by XVIVO that I found inspiring. It’s a fascinating look and exploration into the functions of life at the cellular level. It’s like a hybrid of a bio-reality show and the movie Avatar. To the extent that it’s a factual dreamworld, I find it more interesting than Avatar.
This one is narrated (probably by your former biology teacher):
This version has an all music soundtrack:
What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a designer?
My hope is that I’ve been an inspiration to others through my work.
What’s your favorite typeface?
My favorite typeface always depends on context. If I could pick one to ban it would definitely be Comic Sans.
Where can we find you?
On the web:
On facebook: