Name: Erin Leeder
Place of Employment: Pointsmith
Job Title: Entry-level Designer
What do you get out of being an AIGA volunteer/member?
Since graduating from college last May, AIGA has provided me with opportunities to be in touch with the graphic design community and introduce me to fresh ideas, new trends, and brings me in contact with other designers.
What inspires you the most when illustrating, and why did you choose this as a career path?
Nothing is more inspiring to me than a really good piece of music turned up really loud. I started drawing when I was very young like most artists but it wasn’t until I took part in an event that required me to draw twenty-four hours straight that I realized just how much I love it and wanted to always do it.
When you aren’t working, what are you doing?
Not to sound like a nerd, but I spend a lot of my free time drawing. I also go bike riding around town with friends, try to teach myself to cook (and fail), and read.
What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a designer?
I’ve only been in the real world for about six months, so I would say graduating from college with a degree in graphic design is a pretty big accomplishment right now.
Top 3 songs on your iPod:
1. Stop Coming to My House – Mogwai
2. Popplago – Sigur Ros
3. Jynweythek Ylow – Aphex Twin