June Volunteer Spotlight: Patrick Valdes

Patrick Valdes

Patrick Valdes

Place of Employment:

Job Title:
Graphic Designer

What do you get out of being an AIGA volunteer?
I get a sense of accomplishment when I volunteer my time. I enjoy the fact that I help make AIGA a success. It also gives me the opportunity to meet great people that I can share those experiences with.

What inspires you the most, and why did you choose the creative industry to call home?
I have always been creative and have been drawing since I can remember so it was a natural choice. I don’t feel like I have one huge source of inspiration. Sometimes Im inspired by other peoples work and sometimes by a random thought. I do know that I have some pretty high goals I want to reach and I just try to work hard to get there.

When you aren’t working, what are you doing?
I like to draw, take pictures, read, hang with friends and when there is time – Call of Duty on xbox 360 (gamertag: valdesp03)

What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a designer?
The first thing I thought of when I read the question was having a creative job in this economy.

To date, the other thing I still feel very proud of was when I graduated college.

Where’s one place in Houston that you value as your creative outlet, that when you walk into, the noise disappears?
This one is easy, when I need a creative outlet I will take a drive around town. For me, driving is very therapeutic and clears my mind. Also, since Houston is very diverse it gives you the opportunity to see some interesting things. Its always good idea to keep a notebook/camera in the car.

Who are your top 5 bands for ACL [Austin City Limits] 2010?
In no order: The Black Keys, Amos Lee, Pat Green, The Strokes, and Blind Pilot.

Where can we find you?


By John Luu
Published June 26, 2010