No Code Needed: Adobe Muse Workshop

On Friday February 3rd, April Clark, owner of Nuance Consulting LLC, came down to Houston and gave AIGA Houston an in-depth presentation on the beta version of Adobe Muse, a new way for designers to design and publish professional websites as easily as designing for print.

The sold out Adobe Muse Workshop gave the design community a sneak peak on how easy it is for graphic designers to create professional modern web sites without the complexity of having to do the code themselves.

Adobe Muse does all the code for you on the back end, while still being completely compatible with all major web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. A favorite feature among many, is the ability to internally review web pages in progress, with its built-in WebKit browser before publishing it into a live browser. Muse also allows you to design your website using any typeface on your computer.

Adobe Muse is not part of the Adobe Creative Suite itself, but the benefit of this is to be able to constantly update itself to current web standards. Overall, Muse is sufficient for users who want to create small sites quickly without the intimidation or confusion of advanced web design software or framework.

At the event, we had a raffle drawing for Adobe CS5.5 Design Premium (Retail $1209) and the lucky winner was Amy Mei.

If you missed the workshop, don’t worry as you can download Adobe Muse for free since it is still in beta: along with  the sample files to get you started: (

For those of you have downloaded Muse and tried it out, please let us know how you like it and what your thoughts are so far.

By Ashley Everett
Published February 7, 2012