November Volunteer Spotlight: George Heron

George Heron

Name: George Heron
Place of Employment: InPress
Job Title: Graphic Designer

What do you get out of being an AIGA volunteer/member?

Exposure to other designers, access to design-related events and the opportunity to contribute to the local design community.

When you aren’t designing, what are you doing?

Watch movies, play video games, and take care of my family.

Who are your design heroes or what designers are you following right now?

I have Art Chantry, Victor Moscoso and Massimo Vignelli as inspirational heroes. I currently follow the Identikal Brothers (Adam and Nick Hayes), Kim Hiorthøy and Lars Müller (I don’t follow Lars as a designer, but I have many books published by his publishing house).

What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a designer?

To have my work begin plagiarized. Some people think this is a bad thing, but when you think about it, nobody plagiarize the bad stuff. So I take it as a compliment.

What’s your favorite typeface?

Corisande by the Identikal Brothers

What’s your favorite hidden secret in Houston?

I can’t tell you. It is a secret.

Where can we find you?

By John Luu
Published November 13, 2009