October Professional Spotlight: Edmeé Micheli
Name: Edmeé
Place of Employment: Savage
Job Title: Designer

How long have you been an AIGA Houston member & what do you get out of being an AIGA member?
I’ve been an AIGA member for about 7 years I like the events and making connections with designers locally and throughout.

When you aren’t designing, what are you doing?
Usually reading, ministry work, hanging out with family and friends, or dancing.

Who are your design heroes or what designers are you following right now?
Design hero, legendary Paul Rand.

What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a designer?
A branding campaign that’s in progress for a ministry I’m currently involved with.

What’s your favorite typeface?

What type of music do you listen to while designing?
Praise and Worship.

Where can we find you?
At work, at home, at friend’s houses, at church, or on the dance floor
or, in the virtual world, I am on facebook and linkedin.
By John Luu
Published October 6, 2009