October Volunteer Spotlight: Zareh Aghajanian


Name: Zareh (Zee) Aghajanian
Place of Employment: DaVita Inc.
Job Title: Art Director / Brand Manager

What do you get out of being an AIGA volunteer/member?

It’s the way I repay design for my success thus far. Being able to share our experiences with so many different designers and building that sense of community is priceless.

What inspired you to become a designer or when did you know you wanted to be a designer?

My biggest inspiration was my father when growing up. He was a painter and he also owned a print shop. I just put the two world together and do what I do today.

When you aren’t designing, what are you doing?

Spending time with family, traveling and playing music.

Who are your design heroes or what designers are you following right now?

Well I don’t really have a hero or a specific person that I follow. If I have to say anything I think “design” itself is my hero. I

What is your greatest accomplishment to date as a designer?

Learning how to apply business and marketing strategy objectives through my work was the biggest accomplishment.

What’s your favorite typeface?


Where can we find you?

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zaghajanian
Twitter: ZeeDezign
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/zeedesign
Blog: http://zeedezign.blogspot.com/

By John Luu
Published October 6, 2009
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