Our monthly business-focused “Nitty Gritty” Teleforums are great because they provide great information and give us a chance to hear from other AIGA chapters what they are experiencing as well with these issues.
The AIGA Upstate New York Chapter posted a good recap of the March Nitty Gritty “Abdication, Delegation or MicroManagement: What’s Your Style?”
The important thing to remember is that at the end of the day, the micromanager and the micromanaged share the same goals: we are all in the design business and getting it done as quickly as possible and meeting the project objectives is the desired outcome. People need to be allowed to feel like they can achieve this without being micromanaged.
Read the full review for yourself.
Each teleforum is generously offered FOR FREE to anyone who would like to participate. The next Teleforum, on May 13th at 9:30am Central will be on “Creating and Managing Strategic Alliances”. If you would like to join us, then please RSVP at http://www.aigahouston.org/public/TOYJH534443343.aspx