September Volunteer Spotlight: Diana McGroary

Diana McGroary

Name: Diana McGroary
Place of Employment: Oakley Vault
Job Title: Sales Lead

What do you get out of being an AIGA volunteer and member?
The best part is going to events and meeting fellow designers from all levels, from students to professionals.

What inspired you to become a designer?
I guess you wake up one morning and you realize you don’t want to wake up and feel like you are going to work. You should have passion in life no matter what you choose.

When you aren’t working, what are you doing?
At school,doing homework, hanging out with friends and family, or watching Dexter reruns.

What is your favorite graphic design book?
Graphic design, referenced; Armin Vit. It has everything you want to know about the history of Graphic Design with pictures.

What advice would you give to an aspiring designer?
Don’t give up and follow your dreams. Hard work pays off.

What your favorite place to escape to that inspires you?
Anywhere outside,  I love being out in nature and nothing is more relaxing.

What is one place in Houston that when you’re there, you don’t feel like you’re in Houston?
That’s a good question, the truth is there is so much diversity to Houston, not one place is the same. Which to me is what makes Houston.

Where can we find you?!/profile.php?id=518750492

By Randy Nicholson
Published September 28, 2010