The Crisis of Credit Visualized

All designers need to understand what is happening in the current economy (yes, this does affect you too!), especially the more complex financial topics that might cause your eyes to glaze over. 

Thankfully, Jonathan Jarvis, a graduate student at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California has completed the following projects as part of his thesis work in the Media Design Program. Simple graphics and easy-to-understand explanations make these videos something you can wrap your head around.

I applaud these types of efforts as they demonstrate how designers can help to make complex communications clear. How about if CNN ran this instead of some of the talking heads they bring on?  (please, CNN, run this!)


For more on his broader thesis work exploring the use of new media to make sense of a increasingly complex world, visit

By Robin Tooms
Published March 7, 2009
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