Unblock: University of Houston Graphic Communications, Senior Exhibition


University of Houston
Graphic Communications, Senior Exhibition

BLOCK is the process of taking 21 young, aspiring designers and breaking them down until there’s nothing left but their basic will to succeed. BLOCK is building them back up through an often agonizing process of research, experience, and learning the hard way.

Come find out what UNBLOCK looks like.

Thursday, May 6, 2010, 7-9pm
Professional preview at 6pm

Winter Street Studios
101 Winter Street, Houston, TX 77007
Get Directions

For more details, visit www.design.uh.edu/shows/2010.

We look forward to seeing you there.

For more information please contact Erin Woltz, erin.woltz@gmail.com

By John Luu
Published May 3, 2010
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