Houstonians have a special place in their hearts for what they put on their feet.
As a newcomer to Houston one of the most memorable local brands is the Houston Shoe Hospital. Huge and bold and pretty much everywhere, it is proof of the local dedication to footwear. Numerous other specialty shoe stores and repair shops show that shoes are a central part of Houston’s culture.
For this post I used the help of the Flickr community. Thank you Pedro Vit, Photine and Amy Rosa for letting me feature your photos here!

Photo by Pedro Vit

Photo by Amy Rosa

Photo by Photine

Photo by Photine

Photo by Photine

Photo by Photine

* A note about the name of this post – until now I was calling my posts “Photo Essay: Getting to Know Houston through Graphic Design” but from now on I will be calling them “Face of the City”. Just letting you know.