Face of the City: Local Elections

It’s hard to escape the fact that the local elections are upon us. As someone who knows close to nothing about the local politics, it is interesting to see the differences between the ways that the candidates present themselves.

Some of the candidates have professional looking signs.

Some of the candidates sport adventurous type choices.

Some candidates played with color.

Someone forgot to make sure that the URL on the sign goes to the correct website…

Web Presence

The influence of a certain 2008 campaign is apparent, as well as an awareness of social media. Most of the sites I visited emphasized Facebook and Twitter and some also linked to Flickr and YouTube. However, I was surprised to find out that not all the candidates even have a website.

As expected, those with professional looking signs also have more professional looking websites:

Room for Improvement

Most of the websites that I saw were not quite up to par.  If you look under the hood you will see table based layouts, inline CSS, misused H tags, no doctype declaration and so on.

Does it Validate?

Out of all 15 websites I checked only one passed the test.

By Nurit Shell
Published October 10, 2010