There are lots of interesting things to look at in this quirky part of Houston.
This National Geographic article has a few tidbits:
…Houston Heights now flourishes as a destination for foodies, architecture buffs, and creative types (the neighborhood is said to be home to the highest concentration of professional artists in the state).
And also:
The Heights passed its own Prohibition in 1912, and a large section of it remains dry…
For this post I used the help of the Flickr community. Thank you Daniel Pagan, FriendofLight, The Loop Scoop, meltedplastic, mockbird and allison_b216 for letting me use your photos here! There are lots of great photos after the jump!
Photo by FriendofLight on Flickr

Photos by Daniel Pagan on Flickr

Photos by The Loop Scoop on Flickr

Photos by meltedplastic on Flickr

Photos by mockbird on Flickr

Photos by allison_b216 on Flickr