Pivot Stories: Nadia Tran
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Pivot Stories is a new series where we explore how various individuals, organizations and businesses are all creatively adapting to life during a pandemic. We know we are all navigating through COVID-19 a little differently and that’s okay. We want to share your pivot stories and your hopes for a better world on the other side.

Nadia Tran

Nadia Tran is a graphic designer at CORE Design Studio. Graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design from the University of Houston, Nadia joined ADCETERA where she deepened her knowledge in UX/UI design. Nadia is now pursuing her Masters in Technology Project Management, aiming bridge the gap between design, technology, and business. She values teamwork and is passionate about process, structure, and systems that enhance collaboration.

Nadia was also recently featured in our AAPI Heritage Month series.

How has your daily life changed since mid-March?

It took some time to adjust to working and studying from home, but I am very grateful to still be able to have a job. I appreciate the time at home being able to work on myself, my health, and slowly learn some new skills that I’ve always been wanting to.

What’s been a big pivot in how you approach your life and/or work?

Knowing that this too will pass and let’s make good use of this time to learn how to do things differently. Coming out of this, it would only prove that we’re capable of doing things we never thought we could. Being a total extrovert and always on the move, I’m really surprised that I’ve been able to stay at home this long in a pretty calm manner.

What’s been the most difficult thing to adapt to?

Not being able to see people. I’m a big people person so I miss human interaction a lot. Video calls help a bit but still can’t replace seeing people in person.

What’s been a surprise silver lining?

Being able to warm up my food every meal in the kitchen. The food tastes much better! This I may miss when going back to the office and having to use the microwave.

What practices have you kept or started to better your mental health in this time?

Keeping my yoga mat open right in the middle of my room. Whenever I feel stressed or tired, I just sit down and go a quick stretch to clear my mind. It gives me the energy to get back to work too.

Also setting some simple goals and not being too hard on myself. I’ve been wanting to read more books in English and during this time, I am able to slowly pick that up, reading a bit every day. It feels great to accomplish small goals.

What is something you want to see change going forward for the artistic/design community?

The design community in Houston has been really great with being inclusive of its diverse background and listening to its members who are at many different stages in their careers. I can’t really ask for more! 

Who do you want to be on the other side of COVID-19?

A kinder person. Seeing first responders sacrificing their all to help patients really makes me question myself how I am contributing to society and helping people’s lives.

What is one way you believe we can all support each other right now? How about post COVID-19?

I think mental health is a big thing. Reaching out to people and knowing that we are going through this together is great support. Also, post COVID-19, I think a full job bank would be a great resource for a lot of us, whose jobs have been impacted one way or another.

Thank you to Nadia Tran for sharing her experience with the AIGA Houston community. Learn more about her online:

Nadia Tran, Graphic Designer, CORE Design Studio
Instagram: @nadiatran
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/nadiatran